“I feel I’m still evolving, I want to explore new techniques and media. I’m a very different person now than I was 3 years ago and my art too. I definitely feel more confident in what I do and I can totally see my style has a cohesive feel.´´
Where are you from?
I’m originally from Venezuela, raised and born in a small town called Puerto La Cruz. But I’ve been living for over 10 years in my second home which is Ireland.
An artist you´d invite to dinner.
Hard question! There are so many people I look up to. I think it will be Andy Warhol and probably Yayoi Kusama.
Describe your art in three words.
Geometric, colourful and bold.
The most difficult thing about creating.
I believe the most difficult part was really understanding that I’m in fact an artist and that there are people out there that love what I do.
My work is inspired by …
My environment, memories and mainly going out there with my notebook and sketching.
How did the quarantine affect your creative process?
The lockdown affected me big time, it felt almost that I lived 5 years in one. Everything happened so fast but at the same time so slow. For the first time in years, I suddenly had to work remotely and creativity for me involves collaboration. Quarantine made me explore the ideas that were sitting in my head for a while but because I’m constantly on the move with my two jobs and my hobbies, I couldn’t find the time or mental energy to turn that inspiration into creative work. So I really dedicated most of my time to bringing some of those ideas during this period.

What music do you listen to when creating?
My music varies depending on my mood. I could start listening to classical music and move onto rap or rock in a heartbeat.
How has your art has evolved over the past three years?
I feel I’m still evolving, I want to explore new techniques and media. I’m a very different person now than I was 3 years ago and my art too. I definitely feel more confident in what I do and I can totally see my style has a cohesive feel.
Did you always want to be an artist?
From a young age I was always drawing and sketching, I wanted to be good at drawing faces but I was not good at it or at least I made myself believe that. From where I come from art was not really a subject in school and design was not even a career back then. I struggle a lot in school with mostly all the subjects, numbers were definitely not for me. The only subject I loved in school was technical drawing which is probably why geometry is visible on my designs.
How do you get over a creative block?

Most inspiring place you’ve visited.
I’m a sucker for nature. So when I feel blocked or lost, I love going hiking. So I’ll say the Dolomites Alps have been the most beautiful place I’ve been so far.
Something creative you´d like to try.
Pottery is something that I’ve been wanting to try for a while. I would like to experiment with my style/design on another type of surface.
Three artists on Instagram that we need to follow.
- Atelier Cruz Diez @ateliercruzdiez
- Peter Monaghan @petermonaghanart
- Felipe Pantone @felipepantone
Your proudest moment so far as an artist.
Probably my first solo Exhibition was the proudest I’ve ever been. I work really hard to make it all happen that I ended up being so overwhelmed with all the support and love from everyone that for me it is one of those moments that will stay with me forever.
Words you live by.
`Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time’ – Thomas Edison