MARIONA ESPINET “To create without fearing failure is what makes us progress. You have to fight for `the reason that makes you get up every morning and be happy´, to get out of your comfort zone and be honest with yourself and others. But above all, enjoy the...
ÉTIENNE ROUSSEAU “I would say that flourishing in creation is essential. Then it’s about promotion. However, if your technique is interesting and your paintings stand out from the others, people should start following you and taking an interest in your...
NIC OBU “For now, the method that works best for me is the “step by step” method.I paint the background of my canvas, select a first theme with my color charts and draw a first shape, then a second one. After that I take a step back, and imagine what...
VAL “I feel I’m still evolving, I want to explore new techniques and media. I’m a very different person now than I was 3 years ago and my art too. I definitely feel more confident in what I do and I can totally see my style has a cohesive feel.´´...
MOLLY HIEBERT Brooklyn-based artist Molly Hiebert paints ethereal watercolour art that doesn´t represent the hustle and bustle of where she is, instead it represents a calmness and ease that creates an interesting juxtaposition. Her work masterfully combines a neutral...